
It means something.
Go grab a dictionary.
i give up.

{ T  Y }
{  T  Y  }
or sammy :)

The clock on the wall ticked slowly, every second lasting longer. Hidden by the shadows was an old chair which apart from being coated by a green velvet material, was also covered by layers of dust. The odd piece of furniture sat in the far left corner of a small room. This room had corroded floor boards which one would not trust, due to the frequent creaking sounds emitted from them and also because of the easily seen fact that they were slightly rotten. There were no signs that carpet had ever been laid down for the comfort of the guest, and nor were than any paintings on the walls or photos on the desk. The room was bland, and seemed to hold a sort of sorrow about it. Each of the four walls was painted a grey colour although the plaster was falling apart and revealing another barrier behind it, this one dark crimson in colour. Either the person inside the room was not wanted to escape, or the darker creatures outside of the small room were not wanted in.

In the centre of the scope was a small boy, with sixteen or seventeen years to him. Young as he was, wisdom and strength seemed to radiate from him. This boy was clearly strong; both physically and mentally. Slowly, he stood up and walked over to the window which provided the only light source to the room. His blue eyes gleamed in the eerie light and a smile slowly slipped upon his face. Samuel had his eyes caught on the fiery sun. He was one of the few people that could look directly into the sun as it did not hurt him, he only could see a small light which eradicated through the top layers of his eye lids. He had been born blind and did not seem to mind it, as sometimes it was better to see nothing at all, than to see everything.

The ebony wooded door on the opposite side of the room creaked open and a middle aged women with dirty blonde hair popped her head in and with her seemingly abnormally high pitched voice spoke,

"Dinner, Mr Lirion, don't be late or you shall find your meal gone. It is served where it always is, with the other students. Don't dawdle!" The maid then closed the door behind her and shuffled off.
‘Students?’ Scoffed Samuel and the smile wiped off his face in an instant. "We are not students, nor are we guests. We are but trapped; soulless creatures whose respect for you diminishes more every second ...At least, you think we are soulless." Despite the fact that no one could hear him, getting these few words off his chest made him feel somewhat at comfort. He started across the room and gradually shuffled over to the door, opening it and walking from his room to the dining area. The 'dining area' was a large room with white walls, ceilings, and a worn out starched floor. It also, instead of smelling like the warm meal it should have, smelt like a hospital. With a sigh, he sat down at one of the tables. Voices sounded around him, but the owners of the sounds were unknown and unfamiliar to him.

Sometimes being blind was also a disadvantage, but rarely to him was it so.